'Lads, Lads, Lads, erm, Lads! 4 of them. At the same time This episode we are joined by the host of \"Should I watch it\" to discuss Movie Food. Movies in food. Movies around food. All the in and around. ►Should I watch it? : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFtpw0la6fy1hmJug1oQKUA ►FRUK Podcast : http://shoutengine.com/FRUKUnwrappedTheFoodReviewUKPodcast/ ► Support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/FoodReviewUK ►My Comedy : http://www.youtube.com/user/JamiesonComedy ►My VLOGs : http://www.youtube.com/user/MichaelJamiesonsLife ►The FRUK Buddies Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe85i3ke1QZjE4c1wGl0wBJblQVni5Ff8 ►T-Shirts : http://foodreviewuk.spreadshirt.co.uk ►Twitter - - - - http://www.twitter.com/FoodReviewUK ►Instagram - - http://www.instagram.com/frukgram ►MJ\'s Instagram - - http://www.instagram.com/rezourceman Business Enquiries - michaeljamiesoncomedy@gmail.com'
Tags: comedy , Food , funny , ice cream , snack , review , movie , film , cinema , movies , podcast , interview , films , uk , jokes , Laughs , chat , hot dog , pictures , Snacks , popcorn , jason , Hot dogs , mj , nate , unwrapped , Banter , cineworld , stuart , Food Review UK , wiener , wieners , vue , Odeon , Bants , should i watch it
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